


On May 28, 2024, the official work of the discernment process at LSUMC began and will continue through the Fall.  

Ongoing updates will be provided to the church and resources can be found here to guide our work.

Discernment Upcoming Dates

Discernment Information Drop-In - On Sunday, August 25 & Sunday, October 6 the two discernment committees will be available to share information and answer questions during informal drops in at the following times: 8:30-9; 10:15-11:15; and 12:30-1. The Committee to Separate will be located in the Conference Room and the Committee to Stay will be located in the Church Parlor.

Discernment Formal Presentations to Congregation – Summary presentations of the work of both committees will be presented on Sunday, November 10th at 3:00 p.m. & Tuesday, November 12th at 6:30 p.m. Both meetings will be held in the Sanctuary

Discernment Church Vote – TBA

Please mark your calendar with these important dates - more information to come.

Resource Documents:






(Please click the Committee Named below to view their resources.)

Resources from Committee to Stay

Resources from Committee to Separate


OUR WAY FORWARD: Presentations & Information

The Way Forward - A Process of Education (March Congregational Meetings)

The Way Forward - Scripture Team (February Congregational Meetings)

Presentations available here: 


Additional Resources:


